Friends don't let friends leave the house wearing something that doesn't suit them – this certainly rings true for my friend Lolitta Dandoy who launched the online version of her walk-in closet last week. Lolitta's career as a fashion writer consequently turned her into a style consultant for her family and friends. This altruistic passion ...
Avenue du Parc : Les endroits chics et pratiques
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(English) Charlotte Hosten’s Boutique & Atelier
I’ve been a fan of Charlotte Hosten’s necklaces since I first spotted them in a photo exhibit nearly three years ago. Not long after, I met Charlotte and commissioned her to design a custom necklace from vintage pieces of jewellery and a bit of my family tartan that had been given to me by my ...
(English) Diesel Fit Your Attitude
Diesel has launched their spring-summer collection of jeans entitled Fit Your Attitude with not only a woman's specific shape in mind, but also her personality. A jean for every type of gal, or maybe just for one, who likes to change her jeans to fit her every mood. Diesel took the making of this collection ...
Tiffany & Co. ouvre ses portes à Montréal!
The iconic boutique with the famous little blue boxes opened its big brass doors on the corner of Sherbrooke and de la Montagne to a flock of fashionable journalists on February 17th with a pre-opening breakfast hour à la Holly Golightly (on the mimosas). We oohed and awed at the impressive trinkets and baubles, champagne ...
Trois parfums féminins
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