Oh, my petite fiery-red Fiesta, how I miss you! I miss your heated leather seats, your ambient lights and your sunny sun-roof. I miss telling you what to do through voice-activated commands! I miss YOU giving ME directions in your sexy, automated voice.
I miss you beeping at me when I backed you up and gazing at the world behind me through your funny, distorted fish-eye lens! Oh, and I miss you being there for me! On a rainy day, you gave me shelter, carried my gear and got me to and from my photo shoot.
And, that last lovely day we spent together, cruising the city streets, where I showed you my favourite spots in Montreal! I know our time together was short, but those are days that I’ll never forget. Luckily, I have this video to help me reminisce about those #fiestamoments…
Note: I had the Ford Fiesta for 10 days and used it for my daily comings and goings. It took me to the South Shore to hr2 for a shopping trip with a girlfriend, it helped me get to a photo gig, carrying all my camera gear like a boss, and it is the star in this video of two of my favourite spots in Montreal.
Titanic Café
445 Rue Saint-Pierre, Vieux-Montréal
Titanic was the first gourmet café to open in Old Montreal, nearly 25 years ago! It’s been one of my favourite haunts for the past 5 years and even before that I became fast friends with its owners, Rob and Patrick. It’s the kind of comforting place one always returns to, where everyone knows your name, what you like and how you like it. Their homemade soups, grilled vegetable antipasti and petit pots de chocolat are Old Montreal classics that keep their regulars coming back for more.
On my way from Titanic up to the Mile End, I listened to channel 33 on the Fiesta’s Sirius radio system. All 80’s, all the time! I love it! And, when I received a phone call, I would just hit answer on the steering wheel and the entertainment system would automatically turn the volume of the tunes down while I carried on my conversation and then resume the original volume when I hit the hang-up button. Practical and safe!
Charlotte Hosten Atelier-Boutique
122 Avenue Bernard Ouest
Charlotte is an incredibly talented jewellery designer who opened her atelier-boutique in the Mile End a couple of years ago. I’d met Charlotte before she became über-popular and commissioned her to design a custom necklace using vintage jewellery and a piece of my family tartan that I’d inherited from my great aunt. It’s a true work of art that I’ll cherish forever!
Since then, both my boyfriend and best girlfriend have gifted me pieces of ready-to-wear jewellery from Charlotte because they know how much I adore her work. Like Titanic, Charlotte’s boutique is a must-see in Montreal and a place where I take visitors from all over the world.
Driving home from Charlotte’s boutique, I stopped at another one of my favourite spots, Cocoa Locale to pick up my birthday cakes! The Fiesta’s a smooth ride and I’m happy to say that my cakes arrived intact.
I hope you get a chance to check out my favourite Montreal spots in person and in case you missed my other Fiesta Moments, check out my must-do’s in Toronto and NYC.
Bye bye, my classy Fiesta! Till we meet again… I’ll be dreaming of owning you one day!