Back in May I was invited to the launch of the O-Active women’s running club, which I mentioned in my Oakley Activewear post, but I couldn’t go as I was away on vacation. Needless to say, the running group was meeting every Tuesday night from May right up until the end of October and I failed to attend a single evening even though the meeting point was at Bota Bota which is practically right in front of my apartment! I guess I had conveniently forgotten about it, or there was always something else that kept me from going. Now, I wish that I had joined them because last night I attended the O-Active “Rock the Boat” wrap up party at Bota Bota and I was so impressed and inspired by the women who participated. They all seemed so happy and healthy and that made me feel less like someone who doesn’t work out enough. Encouragement and support are some of the essential elements for a healthy lifestyle.
(Tammy Uyeda talks about why she wanted to be an Oakley Active ambassador)
What really hit home for me was the testimonial of one of the Oakley Active ambassadors (regular women from across Canada who were selected by Oakley to encourage other women to live fit and beautifully) – Tammy, from B.C. who looked about 30 and is in amazing shape. When she said that she’s actually 40 and has three kids and that she decided to submit her candidature for the O-Active ambassadors program because she felt like she had lost herself, I was all ears. Having just turned 40 myself, I have been feeling the same way for a few years now. Running this website, running around from event to event, rarely saying no, always on the go and rarely finding the time to eat well, work out and feel healthy… has taken its toll on me. Three years ago I was a lot happier because I was in better shape, but then I stopped making the effort to include fitness in my life. I’d forgotten how it helps to stay focused by being fit. I’d also forgotten how good it feels to be around a lot of active and fit women. Last night was hopefully the subtle kick in the pants that I needed.
(Highlight of last night: a quick dance routine with Eva Redpath)
I can tell you all about the fabulous gear that Oakley showered us with, but that’s not what’s important. They DO make fabulous workout wear that will make you look good while you sweat, but no matter what you wear, the important thing is to get out there – be active, stay fit and you’ll be happier.
And, I guess it’s not too late for me to get back on track because O-Active will be offering an indoor workout at UNI Training in Pointe Saint-Charles the first Tuesday of each month. I hope I’ll start seeing myself there!
(That’s me on the left, trying on Oakley shades from their 2013 collection)
For updates and inspiration, follow O-Active on their Facebook page.
Thanks, Oakley Canada for the active evening and the activewear!
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